Community volunteer group restoring native bushland and eradicating weeds from our public coastal areas.
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A little history of SWRDC
• The group was established in 1991.
• During the first 10 years the group was active the scale of the weed problem overwhelmed the resources available. Work activity was restricted to several key locations with the aim of preventing any further loss of biodiversity. When the fires of Christmas 2001 burnt most of the northern portion of Hat Head National Park an opportunity to gain control of weeds over much of the coastal strip from the Smoky Cape Lighthouse to South West Rocks township was recognised.

Extensive mapping keeping track of working areas
Through the use of Google Maps and data input over many years a significant area of South West Rocks coastal environment has been tracked of work done.

OAM awarded to Alan Hill.
It’s great to see Alan Hill has been awarded an OAM for services to conservation and the environment. Very well deserved! Alan has volunteered tirelessly and has been key to the success of South West Rocks Community Dune Care for decades. His extensive botanical knowledge, strategic management, technical skills and inspirational personal leadership have helped build our volunteer group, which regenerates native bushland along an impressive 16 kilometres of coastline.